Q: What is Nutritional Therapy, anyway?

A: Simply put, using food as medicine. Did you know that doctors receive less than 20 hours of nutrition in their medical school careers (if it was even offered in some capacity at their chosen school) and learn less on the importance of sleep, stress, movement, or how inherited or experienced trauma shows up in the body? I used to believe that my Primary Care Physician was a credible source of nutritional information but, the truth is, they just don’t have the background or clinical experience. That’s why I feel building a team of health care professionals (who work collaboratively) is so important. You deserve to achieve optimal health and I believe you can. I am comfortable saying that we all have limits to our scope of practice. There is an appropriate time and place for the allopathic model (medical doctors, surgeries, pharmaceuticals, etc.) – but understanding the limits of the model from a client or patient perspective can sometimes be a challenge. I will help you lear to tune into your body’s methods of communication, it will be the most powerful health care tool you’ll ever need.


Q: what makes nutritional therapy practitioners different?

A: Nutritional Therapy Practitioners (NTP’s) are integrative holistic nutrition professionals who assess for foundational imbalances (there are 6 foundations, we’ll get to them below) by reviewing your extensive medical and life history, current and previous diet(s), lifestyle, sleep, stress, and movement. Our work is to help you reverse the negative effects of a modern diet and lifestyle by restoring balance and enhancing the body’s natural ability to heal. Every protocol (set of recommendations) is tailored to you, there are no formulaic one-size-fits-all programs.


Q: that’s fine and all, but what do you offer me?

A: Confidentiality.

An understanding of how you got here.

Personalized action steps to reach your goals.

Dedicated 1:1 support every step of the way

In my work as your NTP, I assess your health signs and symptoms through a nutritional assessment questionnaire with over 320 questions. I comb through your personal and medical history and food diary entries looking for clinical clues for what could be driving your symptoms. Then we validate through appropriate functional labs. You won’t find band-aid solutions or symptom suppression here.

You are looked at as a whole person with interconnected systems that impact one another. I understand that you have unique needs that are based on your current (and past) health picture, environment, stage in life, mental health, activity level, stressors, and quality of sleep. My job is to cull all of this information together to help you understand the connection between your particular health concerns and the imbalances I find.

I focus on a nutrient-dense, properly-prepared, whole food-first approach but when therapeutic nutrients (supplements) would be a beneficial temporary tool, I leverage those benefits in order to help you reach your goals. A typical protocol may include dietary modifications, lifestyle modifications, environmental modifications, therapeutic foods, therapeutic nutrients, and helpful resources that support them.


Q: What don’t you do as an NTP?

A: Well…

Offer quick weight loss plans

Suggest fad diets

Sell shakes

Suggest food options that taste like cardboard

Sit on a throne of lies 

Write meal plans

Make you eat all the kale

Not practice what I preach

Expect perfection or 100% compliance


Q: What are the 6 “foundations”?

A: Glad you asked!

Nutrition: A properly-prepared, nutrient-dense, whole food diet. We look at foods that are ancestral for you, identify food triggers through body wisdom and testing, and lean into foods that make you feel vibrant.

Digestion: A north to south process involving key tissues and organs. You are what you absorb!

Blood Sugar Regulation: Understanding that all food is information to the body and either positively or negatively impacts your energy, hormones, mood, motivation, body fat, ability to think quickly and clearly, and quality of sleep. 

Mineral Balance: The body’s spark plugs! Nothing happens without these!

Fatty Acid Balance: My favorite foundation! Outdated science had you fearful but I help you form a healthy new relationship with dietary fats and understand their role in your overall well-being.

Hydration: You are over 60% water; it is the most important nutrient. Learn what kind of water is optimal for you, when and how to drink it, and how to tell if you are hydrated (or not).


Q: what are the origins of the nutritional therapy association?

A: In 1997, the original goal of the Nutritional Therapy Association (NTA) was to educate healthcare practitioners, blending science and holistic nutrition with a functional medicine approach. The founders developed and taught seminars to thousands of medical doctors, naturopaths, acupuncturists, and chiropractors across the country until 2001. At that point there was growing demand to open this information up to the public and so a certification program was born. As it evolved, the NTA eventually partnered with the National Association of Nutrition Professionals (NANP). Today, graduates are eligible for board certification.

This, in part, is what differentiates Nutritional Therapy Practitioners from generic health coaches and nutritionists.


Q: Do you work with clients outside of Connecticut?

A: Yes! I am currently accepting clients, regardless of location.


Q: Do you accept insurance?

A: Not at this time.


Q: What is your preferred method of payment?

A: I accept credit card payments through a secure client portal, Practice Better!



A: Yes, when you work with me I may recommend bio-individual supplements or a specific protocol. I work with Fullscript, an online dispensary of professional grade products used by Naturopathic Doctor’s and other holistic health professionals such as myself. Additionally, I work with CellCore Biosciences, Standard Process, DesBio, and other high-quality, third-party tested brands. (Clients enjoy additional savings not available to the public.)


Q: Do you run labs?

A: Yes! As a Restorative Wellness Practitioner, I am certified in Gastrointestinal Healing and Optimizing Hormones for both men and women. Additionally, I am a Vibrant Wellness provider. When necessary, I will request the appropriate lab work and they are a requirement for working with me. These samples are typically collected from the comfort of your home. I am not willing to waste your time or money on guess work, these labs can give us clear direction for building a personalized targeted protocol. (All functional labs are offered to you at wholesale pricing!)

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